Exercise: Fire Breath Chakra Balancing & Healing

Exercise: Fire Breath Chakra Balancing & HealingThis exercise is a chakra healing and energy body oriented orgasmic meditation named by a Cherokee medicine man, Harley Swiftdeer. You will be breathing into each of your chakras and, as you do so, imagining the colors of that chakra illuminating with bright, healing light. As you continue to breathe, you will move this beautiful energy up your physical and energy body in circles, and by the time it reaches your upper chakras it will feel like it has taken on a life of its own.Fire Breath is extremely relaxing, rejuvenating and healing for your chakras and energy body, but it can also yield some unexpected discoveries. Big emotions may move through you, often emotions you weren’t even aware you were holding. You may want to release tears or express anger. While it can absolutely be done with your partner, I suggest doing it on your own first.1. Drop any expectations and put yourself in the mind-set and energy state of the feeling you desire. Let go of any attachment or expectation with regard to outcome.2. Lie on your back with your knees up and feet flat on the floor (or bed). Relax your jaw. Breathe in through your nose and exhale through your mouth.3. Imagine your breath filling up your belly like a balloon. As you exhale, flatten your lower back to the floor. There should be a gentle rocking in your pelvis as you do this.4. Squeeze your Kegels as you exhale.5. As you breathe in, imagine pulling energy from your root chakra—your perineum. You don’t have to push or pull the energy. It will follow your thoughts.6. Next, inhale your energy from your root chakra up to your sacral chakra. Then exhale, circulating the energy back down to the root. Continue moving your energy between the root and sacral chakras by breathing in and feeling it rise, breathing out and letting it go back to the root. Repeat several times and you will notice it feels like the energy is moving easily and almost on its own.7. Now enlarge the circle by breathing healing energy from your root chakra up to your solar plexus chakra, squeezing your Kegel muscles as you breathe out. Repeat this several times as well. When this feels complete, reduce the circle so that the energy goes between your sacral chakra and your solar plexus.8. As you continue breathing and squeezing your Kegels, enlarge the circle of energy so that it moves between your sacral chakra and your heart. When this feels complete, reduce the circle so that the energy goes between your solar plexus and your heart center. You are moving your energy from sacral to heart and solar plexus to heart.9. Next make a circle of energy between the solar plexus and throat, followed by a smaller circle between heart and throat. When you reach the throat, make some sounds if you aren’t already doing so, anything from sighs to moans to “aahs.” This is liberating and helps move energy and create deeper chakra healing. The energy may start moving up the chakras in circles on its own as the momentum gets building.10. Breathe in, moving energy from the heart to the third eye, and breathe out and back down to the heart. Do this several times, followed by a smaller circle between the throat and the third eye. When you’re sending energy into your third eye, roll your eyes up (keeping them closed) as if you can see out the top of your head. This will help your energy rise and your chakras heal and balance.11. The next circle is from the throat to the crown followed by a smaller circle between the third eye and the crown chakra.12. Keep breathing and moving your hips and moving the energy in circles, giving your body the space to go through the full process of chakra healing and energy body rejuvenation.image.png