About Medea


I embarked on my Reiki journey in the Spring of 2016. My curiosity and lifelong belief in alternative medicine fueled my desire to learn more about this healing energy therapy. I completed my Masters level in Usui Ryoho Reiki and got my certification in November of 2016. After practicing Reiki on my family and friends for over two years, I felt I was ready to start my own business and offer Distance Reiki sessions in the comfort of your own home via video chat.

My journey
Mind Body Spirit

Medea Kalantar, a Reiki Master, Intuitive Healer, Spiritual Teacher, a Guinness World Record Holder and a multi-award-winning best selling author of a new children’s book series titled Honeycake.

Medea is a gifted intuitive healer who calls on the power of Reiki energy and shamanic healing wisdom to guide her. She is spiritually grounded and dedicates her life to this work in hopes of lighting up the world one person and, one experience at a time. She has personally experienced the shifts this personal work creates and is compelled to share it. Medea is also a teacher and offers to share her learnings to others who show commitment and who feel called to explore their gifts and their offerings – whatever they may be. Whether you choose a Reiki session, or an Energy Clearing, you will feel better afterwards. Some feel renewed and rejuvenated, full – with a great sense of ease, deeply content and excited about life!

I see my purpose as being one of serving humanity. In my understanding, the idea is for us all to live in a world of love and peace, both in the physical world as well as the etherial. That time is far off, but attainable. The work I do of helping people is a step in that direction.

I am grateful to God for allowing me to serve, influence and transform this planet for the higher good. 

“No matter where we come from or what colour our skin is, we are all one race ... the human race. We are all one!” Medea Kalantar

Blessings of Love and Light,

In Warmth and Gratitude,
